Wilderness Book Club

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Fall 2023 Wilderness Book Club Pick

The Wolverine Way by Douglas H. Chadwick

Glutton, demon of destruction, symbol of slaughter, mightiest of wilderness villains.

The wolverine comes marked with a reputation based on myth and fancy. Yet this enigmatic animal is more complex than the legends that surround it. With a shrinking wilderness and global warming, the future of the wolverine is uncertain. The Wolverine Way reveals the natural history of this species and the forces that threaten its future, engagingly told by Douglas Chadwick, who volunteered with the Glacier Wolverine Project . This five-year study in Glacier National Park- which involved dealing with blizzards, grizzlies, sheer mountain walls, and other daily challenges to survival- uncovered key missing information about the wolverine’s habitat, social structure and reproduction habits. The wolverine, according to Chadwick, is the land equivalent of the polar bear in regards to the impacts of global warming. The plight of the wolverine adds urgency to the call for wildlife corridors to connect existing habitat as proposed by the Freedom to Roam coalition.

Submit your thoughts to share with the book club by December 18th!