Entries by Margosia Jadkowski

Wilderness and the lungs of the planet

July 26, 2024- Increasingly, summer in the West has become synonymous with wildfire season. As of this week, 89 large wildfires are active in the US and have burned 1,611,409 acres. But the impacts of those fires reach far beyond the communities directly affected by them, as smoke blankets much of the country, reaching through the Midwest […]

Mapping threats to the wilderness you love

July 12, 2024- When we set out last year to begin creating a first of its kind GIS-based national inventory of private properties in and around wilderness, we knew we’d need help. We knew what the challenges of our current, largely analog system of inventorying wilderness inholdings are, we knew what we were hoping to […]

Summer 2024 Wilderness Book Club Pick

Bull Trout’s Gift by The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes With kids home from school for the summer, we wanted to feature a children’s book for our next Wilderness Book Club pick. Bull Trout’s Gift is a story about the gifts we receive from our rivers and the communities of life they support. It is […]

The Best of Field Season

June 28, 2024- With snow melting out of the high country and summer officially upon us, field season is beginning for our lands staff. Over the next few months our team will be visiting project sites in wilderness areas across the country. Site visits are an integral part of our work: they allow us to do […]

Holy Cross wilderness expands with new transfer in Colorado

June 14, 2024- The Wilderness Land Trust recently transferred our 22nd property in Colorado’s Holy Cross Wilderness to public ownership. Just down the ridgeline from Homestake Peak, the 10-acre Northern Lode property straddles the Continental Divide in an area once active with mines. It sits just above the the West Tennessee Lakes basin and is […]

Saying thank you & farewell to wilderness legend Doug Scott

May 17, 2024- Doug began his work in wilderness conservation just 4 years after passage of the 1964 Wilderness Act, and in the years since has helped establish and expand America’s wilderness areas and grow the wilderness community. Doug’s fellow board members and staff shared just a few of the many ways Doug’s leadership and […]

Another gap in protection filled in the Wild Sky Wilderness

May 4, 2024- The Wilderness Land Trust recently acquired 128 acres within Washington’s Wild Sky Wilderness, building on a years-long effort to unify protection across the landscape. Looking at a map of the Silver Creek drainage in Washington’s Wild Sky and Henry M. Jackson Wilderness Areas tells a remarkable story of the cumulative impact we […]